Benefits Of Cannabis
Cannabis is a plant with stiff and upright stem with serrated leaves and glandular hairs. It is mainly used to produce hemp fiber and also used as a psychotropic drug. It is a flowering plant in the cannabaceae family. For many years it has been used for hemp oils, in industries and also for medicine.
Cannabis is an annual plant whose leaves are digitate and also compound. The first pair of leaves have a single leaflet, and the number increases gradually to the maximum depending on the growing conditions. These plants produce chemicals called cannabinoids that produce physical and mental effects when consumed. Cannabis is also known as grass, ganja, marijuana and many other names. The most popular weed strains are the one known as marijuana, and they can be smoked by hand rolling
them into a joint. They can also be taken orally with food.
Cannabis is important due to the many benefits they have. They are used in medicinal uses, for example, marinol is used to control vomiting and nausea that is caused by some agents during chemotherapy. They are also used to improve appetite for those people who may be suffering from cancer or HIV and AIDS. Tothausea.er medicinal conditions that patients can use cannabis includes glaucoma, muscle spasms, severe pain, seizures and severe nausea.
Cannabis is also used for recreational purposes only behind alcohol and caffeine. The psychoactive effects have a triphasic nature, for example, primary psychoactive effects may include the state of relaxation and the secondary psychoactive effects for example facility for philosophical thinking. They are also used in industries for example hemp is used to name durable soft fiber from cannabis plant stalk. Cannabis sativa is used to make fibers because of the long stems, and most of the varieties can grow more than six meters. They are used in the production of many commercial portland dispensaries products ranging from cordage, paper, and clothing and construction material. Hemp is long lasting and also stable compared to cotton and other materials that can be used in textiles. Cannabis is also a useful source of many foodstuffs, for example, the hemp seeds, hemp milk, and hemp oil.
Growing this plant in some countries is illegal, and you can be arrested hence before starting to grows them it is important to a lot of research and also know the rules that are available where you located concerning cannabis. You can ask those that have experience of using and also growing cannabis to be on a safe side. To get some facts about cannabis, go to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/pot-legalization/.